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Everything You Need to Grow Your Business

Great Book – Attack Your Day Before It Attacks You

Great Book – Attack Your Day Before It Attacks You

I always enjoy reading book about improving myself or my business.  This book does both.  It is a great, simplified way to time management for both your business and personal life.  It really helped me refine a lot of my already pretty decent time management skills.  It was a quick read and enjoyable.  I would […]

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SEO – Online Directories

SEO – Online Directories

The web design and development department here at Concept Design Studios has grown a lot in the past year!  One area in which we are expanding our expertise is Search Engine Optimization, or SEO.  A beautifully designed website doesn’t help much if no one can find it, so getting your website to show up in […]

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Promotional Products Cost Effective Form of Marketing

Promotional Products Cost Effective Form of Marketing

In June and July of 2008, a team of interviewers surveyed 465 businesspeople in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and Philadelphia on behalf of ASI regarding promotional products they had received. The purpose of the interviews was to understand how advertising specialties influence end-users’ purchasing decisions; determine the number of impressions of popular advertising specialties; […]

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It’s Your Reputation…

It’s Your Reputation…

This is a great article to help small businesses keep a clear focus on their business health.   ———————————– Article written by: Mary Rosenbaum With all the hype surrounding social media, it’s easy to take your eye off the ball of what really drives your business. But as an entrepreneur or small business owner, your top […]

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Are You Making Customer Retention a Top Priority?

Are You Making Customer Retention a Top Priority?

Small Business Advice July 28, 2011 By Deborah Shane Nearly two-thirds (64 percent) of consumers say they have “stomped out” of stores and 67 percent say they have hung up on hold because of poor customer service, according to a new Consumer Reports survey. I was astounded at the lack of priority and vision those statistics […]

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15 Tips for Crazy Good Facebook Marketing

15 Tips for Crazy Good Facebook Marketing

Everyone, absolutely everyone, seems to be using Facebook now. According to Facebook’s own statistics, people spend more than 700 billion minutes monthly on the platform. Wow! Therefore, it’s essential that your company explore ways that your audience segments are using the social networking platform and develop a corresponding plan. Too many companies merely configure a […]

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Study: Companies Missing Opportunity To Utilize Social Media

Study: Companies Missing Opportunity To Utilize Social Media

Many companies are missing an opportunity to utilize social media channels to drive sales growth because of a misunderstanding of what consumers want out of those channels, according to a recent study. The study, conducted by International Business Machines Corp. (IBM), found that a majority of consumers say the top reasons they interact with companies via […]

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How to Create a Great Place to Work

How to Create a Great Place to Work

Do you have a great place for people to work? If you hesitate when answering that question, it may be time to give it some thought. Having a high turnover rate means that there are problems with the company culture. The last thing you want to do is spend your time recruiting, hiring, and training, […]

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Durability of Different Shirt-Making Methods

Durability of Different Shirt-Making Methods

Plastisol / Screen Printed Transfers These are transfers that are screen printed by an outside transfer company or by yourself with the use of screen printing equipment Durability – Very Good, often outlasts the life of the garment. Look/Feel – Identical to screen printing Ideal For – Higher quantities, where a repetition of one design […]

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